Surgical Extractions

surgical hygiene

In some unfortunate cases, tooth loss may be unavoidable. If you are experiencing severe tooth decay, teeth crowding, or an impacted wisdom tooth, your dentist may recommend a surgical extraction to remove the tooth. They may also suggest this course of action if you have a broken tooth that your dentist is unable to repair. This option will always be a last resort, and your dentist will ensure to discuss your options with you before proceeding.
Your dentist will inject a local anaesthetic into the area surrounding the tooth before beginning the extraction. They will then widen the tooth socket and remove the tooth. After the surgery, you will be given a piece of soft padding to stem any bleeding.


Thanks to advances in dental technology, tooth extractions have become less painful than ever before. Most patients who undergo the procedure experience little to no discomfort and only light bleeding. Powerful anaesthetic options are available when necessary.
The area around your tooth is numbed before extraction.
A topical and injectable anaesthetic will be applied for extra pain relief to extract it as quickly as possible with minimal discomfort.

surgical extractions


surgical extractions

Patients who have had their teeth extracted may need to take an antibiotic. We advise taking precautions following the procedure to avoid infection, such as drinking liquids through straws and refraining from smoking, as irritation to the area can hinder the healing process. A cold compress could also help reduce swelling in the affected area, which will speed up your recovery and help with pain relief. Here at Gentle Smile Dental, we want to avoid complications at all costs. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions concerning the procedure or aftercare process!


If you are enduring any of the following symptoms, you may have an impacted wisdom tooth:

  • Discomfort/Pain
  • Swelling of the face
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Infection

Toothaches are no joke. If you’ve ever had a toothache, the chances are it’s because one or more of your wisdom teeth is pressing on an existing tooth so hard that the pain travels throughout your body. Usually, this happens during a person’s late teens or early adulthood when their mouths mature too quickly, which can cause problems such as crowding, improper bites and infection.

Wisdom teeth are the third and last set of molars to form in your mouth. They usually don’t cause any significant problems, but there is a chance they can lead to pain or discomfort if they become impacted. Symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth include inflammation, infection and severe discomfort.

If not treated properly, these problems could become more complicated over time, causing bone loss and gum tissue trauma. In turn, these could lead to even more significant issues down the line, like tooth loss.

At Gentle Smile Dental, we strive to give you the best oral health care possible. If you suspect you have an impacted wisdom tooth, please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements for a surgical extraction.

surgical extractions


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